1. Wearing glasses can correct vision In myopia, the distant light cannot be focused on the retina, resulting in unclear vision of distant objects. After wearing a myopic lens, a clear image of the object can be obtained, so that the vision can be corrected.

2. Wearing glasses can reduce visual fatigue Myopia without wearing glasses will inevitably cause glasses to be extremely fatigued, and the result can only be to increase the degree. After wearing glasses normally, visual fatigue will be greatly reduced.

3. Wearing glasses can prevent and treat exophthalmos When the myopia is near, the adjustment effect of the eye is weakened, and when the long ocular external rectus muscle exceeds the medial rectus muscle, the eye will be arched. Of course, myopia with exotropia can still be corrected with myopia.

4. Wearing glasses can prevent protruding eyes Because the eyeballs of adolescents are still developing, accommodative myopia is very easy to develop into axial myopia. Especially for high myopia, the anterior and posterior diameter of the eyeball is significantly extended, and the appearance is manifested as protruding eyeballs. If the myopia is corrected by wearing glasses normally at the beginning, this situation will be reduced or even not occur.

5. Wearing glasses can prevent amblyopia Failure to wear glasses in time for myopia often results in refractive amblyopia. As long as you wear suitable glasses, your vision will improve gradually after a long period of treatment.

What is wrong with wearing glasses for myopia?


Misunderstanding 1: The glasses can't be taken off after wearing

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that myopia is divided into true myopia and false myopia, and true myopia is difficult to recover. It is possible to recover from pseudomyopia, but the degree of recovery depends on the proportion of pseudomyopia in myopia. For example, for people with 100 degrees of myopia, only 50 degrees may be false and it is difficult to recover with glasses. Only 100% of pseudomyopia can recover.

Misunderstanding 2: Watching TV will increase myopia

From the perspective of myopia, watching TV reasonably does not increase myopia, but may also reduce the development of pseudomyopia. However, the posture of watching TV is sub-correct. First, you must be farther away from the TV, preferably 5 to 6 times the diagonal of the TV screen. If you lie in front of the TV, it will not work. The deception is time. It is best to watch TV for 5 to 10 minutes after every hour of study and remember to take off your glasses.


Misunderstanding 3: If the degree is low, you need glasses

Many people think that if people with low degrees are not professional drivers or need clear vision ,It’s not necessary to wear glasses for your work. Wearing glasses often may increase myopia number. Optometry usually takes 5 meters as a distance to check whether you can see clearly, but in our Few people in his life look at things 5 ​​meters away, which means that glasses are used to see far away of. But the reality is that most teenagers rarely take off their glasses in their studies, so As a result, most people are wearing glasses to see far away, but it increases ciliary muscle spasm. Heavy myopia.

Misunderstanding 4: Everything is fine if you wear glasses

Treating myopia does not mean everything is fine with glasses. Ways to prevent myopia from deepening. It can be summarized as a bit of a mouthful: "Pay attention to the distance between the eyes at close range" and "Reduce continuous The time to use your eyes at close range". "Note that the distance of using eyes at close range refers to the eyes and the book The distance between the notebook and the desktop cannot be less than 33 cm. "Reduce the time for continuous close-range use of eyes" means that the reading time should not exceed 1 hour, and you need to take off your glasses during intermittent periods. Look at a distance and avoid excessive eye use, so as not to increase the degree of myopia.

Misunderstanding 5: The degree of glasses remains unchanged

The suitability of a pair of glasses can be measured by several standards: the luminosity error should not be large At 25 degrees, the pupil distance error cannot be greater than 3 mm, and the pupil height error cannot be greater than 2 mm Meters, if you wear it if you feel tired and dizzy and do not disappear for a long time, this pair of glasses I'm afraid it's not for you.